Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Definition, Function And Types of Computer Networks

Understanding Network

The computer network is a system that involves a series of two or more computing devices and devices - other devices made or designed to be able to work together in order to communicate, access information, ask and provide a service or services between computers with each other.

Functions and Benefits of Networking

There are so many benefits that can be felt when we have a network of computers, which are as follows:

Can Reduce Costs. with the computer network of computer buddy can reduce the cost to the needs of the device - the device peripherals, because the existing resources can be shared and used together - together, one example if we have a single printer, the printer can be used by many users or user. so my friend does not need to provide a printer for a computer.
Speeding up the process of sharing of data (shared data). Usually to share the data we use additional devices such as flash, but with the computer network, data transfer will be faster and even can reach considerable distance though. it can be easier for users to obtain the necessary data files.
Keeping information in order to stay up-to-date and reliable. As we create a computer network with centralized data storage system and a very well run on the server computer, the user can mengaskses data from different places, and can restrict access to specific data when the data is being processed.
It was some of the functions and benefits that could be gained if the buddy buddy build a computer system connected to the network. so if my friend has more than one computer either at home or office, let me try my friend network building can save the use of its resources.

Type - Types of Computer Networks

1. Based on the geographical location or range

a. LAN (Local Area Network)

Is a network that covers a small area, one example is a computer network that is within a specific school, college or office.

b. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

Is a network that are within one city with high data transfer speeds that connects multiple offices but still within the city area.

c.WAN (Wide Area Network)

Is a computer network covering a very wide area, one example of a WAN is a network of inter-regional, regional, city, or it could be between countries.

2. Based Functions

a. Computer Network Peer to Peer

Is a computer network model where in the network, each computer can function as a client and as a server.

b. Computer Network Client Server

Is a model of a computer network in which one computer to function as a server in the service of another computer that functioned as a client. so the computer server network model is usually designed specifically and only served as a provider of services required Client.

3. Based on the topology

a. Computer Network Topology Ring With

b. Computer Networks With Bus Topology

c. Computer Network With Star Topology

d. Computer With Mesh Network Topology

e. Computer Network Topology With Tree

4. Based Media Transmission

a. Computer Networks Using Media Cable (Wired Network)

The type of computer network that is usually used as a medium for the transmission cable media is no type of network is also called network types using the integrated transmission media (Guided Transmission Media). some cables that can be used to model such a network like this, Coaxial Cables, Cable TP (STP and UTP), and Fiber Optic Cables.

b. Computer Network Without Using Wires (Nirkable)

This type of computer network using the system as a wave of media Transmission, type of network is also referred to as the type of network that uses the transmission medium is not guided (unguided transmission media), some examples of media that can be used include: Microwave, Satellite and the Infrared Rays.

5. Based Distribution Source The data transmission

a. Centralized Computer Networks (Host Based Network)

This network type is usually made up of the client computer and the server where one client computer that serves as an intermediary to access sources of information / data coming from the server computer

b. Distributed Computer Network (Distributed Network)

One type of network is a combination of several centralized network so that there are multiple computer servers interconnected with the client and form a particular network system.

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